GLPC and Corps Sign Assumption of Maintenance Agreement

Present at the signing ceremony were (L to R): Commissioner Rodney Gisclair, Board President Perry Gisclair, Executive Director Chett Chiasson, Commander and District Engineer Col. Michael Clancy, Board Treasurer John Melancon, Jr., Board Secretary Harris “Chuckie” Cheramie, Jr., and Commissioner Curtis Pierce.

Signing on behalf of GLPC was Executive Director Chett Chiasson, with Col. Michael Clancy signing on behalf of the US Army Corps of Engineers.
New Orleans, LA – On Wednesday, April 4, 2018, the Greater Lafourche Port Commission (GLPC) formally entered in to an Assumption of Maintenance Agreement with the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to extend the reach of the federally-maintained channel in Bayou Lafourche at a signing ceremony at USACE District Headquarters.
“This agreement is the culmination of over five years of work to demonstrate to the Corps and the nation the benefits of maintaining this additional stretch of the navigable channel in Bayou Lafourche, which provides access to our Northern Expansion development at Port Fourchon,” said Chett Chiasson, Executive Director of GLPC.
Previously, the Corps of Engineers only maintained the section of the channel from the extent of the jetties in Belle Pass to just north of Port Fourchon’s E-Slip, with GLPC being responsible for maintaining the channel north to Flotation Canal. Today’s action adds 1.1 miles of additional channel in Bayou Lafourche to the Corps’ regular program of maintenance dredging.
“Historically, the Corps maintained what they did because the port first developed along old Pass Fourchon, and then into the early stretch of Bayou Lafourche with our E-Slip development in the 1990s,” said Port Commission Board President Perry Gisclair. “But with the bulk of our growth since 2000 in the Northern Expansion developing from Bayou Lafourche into Flotation Canal, it made sense for the Corps to assume the maintenance of this additional section of waterway to protect these vital navigation interests for the nation,” Gisclair added.
Under the agreement, GLPC will perform one final maintenance dredge cycle of this section of the channel before handing off responsibility for future maintenance to the Corps.
Separate to this agreement, the Greater Lafourche Port Commission is nearing completion of its Section 203 Feasibility Study on deepening Belle Pass from its entrance at the Gulf of Mexico to the port’s Pass Fourchon waterway. The study delineates the potential for deepening draft in the channel up to fifty feet, with an eye toward developing the Gulf’s first purpose-built deepwater rig repair and refurbishment facility.
“This is just the beginning of our work,” Chiasson said, “to continue to evolve and develop America’s energy services port and adapt to the changing needs of both our industry and our environment. We are so grateful for the cooperation and collaborative relationship we enjoy with the New Orleans District and the Corps in general.”
According to Chiasson, not only will this purpose-built facility add much-needed capacity to capture and retain nearly $100 million worth of repair work currently leaving the US in favor of foreign facilities, but the sediments generated by the channel deepening project will yield millions of cubic yards of material that can also be used to rebuild coastal wetlands. The Greater Lafourche Port Commission’s plans are to build in a manner designed to provide strategic, long-term asset protection to Port Fourchon and the industrial asset base in the region as well as make the community more resilient to future storms.
GLPC intends to have the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) completed and out for public and agency comment this spring, with a goal of federal authorization for a deeper channel into Port Fourchon by early 2019.
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The Greater Lafourche Port Commission, a political subdivision of the state of Louisiana, facilitates the economic growth of the communities in which it operates by maximizing the flow of trade and commerce. We do this to grow our economy and preserve our environment and heritage. The Port Commission exercises jurisdiction over the Tenth Ward of Lafourche Parish, south of the Intracoastal Waterway, including Port Fourchon and South Lafourche Leonard Miller, Jr. Airport.