Chett Chiasson Named Future Port Director

(GALLIANO, LA) – Chett Chiasson was officially named as successor to Executive Director Ted Falgout at the February board meeting of the Greater Lafourche Port Commission. Chiasson is the current Director of Economic Development and will be the second director in port history upon Mr. Falgout’s retirement December 31st. The port’s fifty year anniversary will begin when Chett assumes the directorship in January of 2010.

“I am excited to have this opportunity,” said Chiasson. “The success of the port under Ted Falgout speaks for itself. I look forward to continuing this success through the next thirty years with the assistance of the excellent staff that is currently in place and a board that is forward-thinking and aggressive.”

Mr. Falgout recommended Chett as his replacement at a committee meeting in Fourchon on January 28th. Falgout said, “When we hired Chett, we knew he had qualities that would afford him the opportunities for advancement, and he has worked very hard to develop the skills necessary to lead this organization into the future. I am confident the future of the port is in good hands with Chett.”

On February 9th, the Executive Committee of the Port Commission reviewed the idea of selecting Mr. Chiasson as successor to the position of Executive Director, which has been held by Mr. Falgout since 1978. Commissioner Jimmy Guidry said, “Chett is young, highly motivated, well-educated, and he has been with us for a few years so he knows how we work. He has displayed the leadership qualities necessary in the Director position. That’s why we chose him.”

The board chose to select Mr. Falgout’s replacement months before his retirement so that Chiasson will have the remainder of the year to work side by side with Mr. Falgout, gaining first-hand knowledge of the director’s decision-making processes. Chiasson holds a BA in Political Science and a Master of Public Administration, both from LSU. He has been working toward Professional Port Manager certification through the American Association of Port Authorities.

