Port Fourchon Receives $3.8 Million from Fema to Dredge Channels
(GALLIANO, LA, AUGUST 23, 2006) –The U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) announced that it will grant $3.8 million as the federal share to dredge and clear Port Fourchon from silt and sediment caused by Hurricane Katrina.
The areas being dredged with this funding includes Slips A and B in the Northern Expansion, Floatation Canal, a portion of Bayou Lafourche near Floatation Canal, and Fourchon Marina.
The dredging project is under way and should continue for 90 days. Dredge material will be placed on the Port’s Maritime Forest Ridge Project to shore up erosion caused by Hurricane Katrina.
According to Ted Falgout, Port Director, “This is the largest of the damage claims and is one of the last to be approved. The port staff has had an excellent working relationship with FEMA, and with the completion of this project, the port will be very near full recovery.”
The grant from FEMA represents 90 percent of the expected $4.2 million cost of the project. Total FEMA reimbursements to Port Fourchon for the 2005 hurricane season exceeded $8.5 million.